Well, well, well. What do we have here? A little reunion here, huh?
Cue Peaches and Herb.
I just want to take a moment and bring to our remembrance Issa falling. Y’all. This show never ceases to amaze me. Then for the bartender to say the drinks were free. I don’t get how this show gets funnier and funnier every single week but I’m grateful because I needed that laugh. Desperately.
Should you reunite with an ex? Let’s do a pro-con list.
This whole episode was adorable. This is how one would want reuniting with an ex to go. The banter was on point and they didn’t miss a beat with the inside jokes. They both looked good and remembered each other’s drinks. Just so much cute shit happening. Even when they ran into to TSA bae, it wasn’t awkward. The whole date literally flowed.
They even hashed out their differences. Issa got to air her grievances about Lawrence being a neglectful partner and he finally felt vulnerable enough to share his feelings of inadequacy. They laid everything out, things they clearly had been holding onto. And honey, Issa told him how she really felt and honestly, it was refreshing to see. I know I’m a “I’m not saying something unless he say something” woman so I enjoyed seeing her be upfront about how she felt and that she wanted to stay. FORGET CONDY! You ain’t chatting tonight, Condy!
I don’t trust Lawrence. Period, Pooh. I just really don’t believe he’s on the same page as Issa. And I know there’s an icebox where my heart used to be, but I’m just not convinced. I can see the slime ball coming back and saying he’s confused and thinking maybe he should start something new with Condy or carrying his stupid self to San Fran. I just feel like Issa may she more into it than he is. I think he only met up with her to explore his feelings, not rekindle and probably at Condola’s insistence. Remember, we didn’t see all of their convo in the kitchen or their actual breakup. For all we know, he’s on this quest to figure out what he wants.
I really want to know what y’all think though. Open my little dark heart. Let me know what you guys thing. Do you think the reunion was good or bad? What do you think will happen next?
(Totally kidding about my dark heart. I’m actually a hopeless romantic who’s written a breadth of short love stories that I hope to publish one day. Idk after writing, this I want a shot of Hennessy.)
Also, my friend shared a conspiracy that I don’t want to share but wholly believe and we’ll talk about it two weeks.
I think you are 100% on point with everything. I think Issa is getting wrapped up in it, but I think she has definitely matured and may be able to handle it if it will not work out.
Good point. She could handle it. I like how they left it without us knowing how either of them really felt.
The reunion made me Leery AF (ode to season 1). I’m glad that both character have grown but I don’t know or trust that they’ve grown to the same place. Issa’s leading with her heart and we know how dangerous that can end up for women and Lawrence has definitely been known to lead with his anatomy sooooooo…I’m just not ready to believe yet.
Also I really don’t like him giving so much attention to Condola’s contact. Clearly he was having a great time with Issa but he wasn’t willing to leave Condy on read. That’s a problem for me, but I respect his honesty with Issa throughout. He let sis know that the pot on the back burner was still on simmer and we know most men ain’t about that life.
I think Condola gonna hit him with something big. What’s the reason to have this pressing convo that night? She might be pregnant or sick or have an STD, idk lol.
I think the date was needed, but not sure if she should have jumped all in so fast. Just to protect herself a bit. They needed to get that stuff off their chest.
This episode was so adorable! I think it was much needed for both. I think Issa will be satisfied no matter what happens (she still has Nathan). If they go their separate ways they finally got the closure they needed and if they decided to date again they can start fresh. I think Condy is going to drop something big though.