Insecure Recap, Season 4, Episode 9: Lowkey Trying

Insecure Recap, Season 4, Episode 9: Lowkey Trying

So much happened in this episode. I don’t know where to start.

SN: The title of the next episode, Lowkey Lost, leads me to believe Issa will be in a love triangle and I am here for it. Two fine black men sparring for the affection of a beautiful black woman? Yes indeed. I’m tuned all the way in. I know I’m jumping ahead but I had to get that out. My predictions have been wrong as of late but whatever. Yes, I’m a little salty about being wrong. 

Molly’s outfits were on point and her hair was the bomb, too. She brought the looks this episode. Issa wore that same outfit she had on earlier this season to brunch and it tickles me. That’s probably one of the realest parts of the show that we don’t talk about enough. As someone who wears the same thing over and over, I felt very seen.

Should Molly talk to Victor?

If she is as committed as she says to Andrew, then she needs to have a conversation with him. She would feel some kind of way if he disregarded her feelings. It’s clearly important to Andrew and she can’t just disregard it. On the other hand, this also isn’t some petty disagreement. He took it too far and as black women, the last thing we need to deal with is people who try to minimize our experiences in the world. Andrew is also being pushy. He needs to allow the healing to happen naturally and let Molly be mad. If she chooses to forgive him, it should be on her time, not at his insistence. Molly told her therapist that the relationship was hard work but now, when it’s time for her to really challenge her beliefs, she’s digging her heels in and not budging. I honestly think she’s going to end up single and without a best friend.

Issa/Lawrence, Issa/Nathan

Can we talk about Nathan saying, “I’ll earn it?” Issa knew what was up that’s why she slid Lawrence in there. But we also must talk about how salty Nathan got right after she said it. Typical. She and Nathan have a bit of chemistry and she’s trying really hard to keep it friendly.  

Lawrence is proving me wrong and I don’t like it. Mainly because I don’t like being wrong but this little reunion is cute. I like that they’re enjoying each other’s company with no expectations and they both seem mature. I’m really surprised Condy didn’t come back around. They had me fooled. But like one of my friends said, this is not a telenovela so my theories were going a bit too far. In hindsight, it’s funny that I was expecting the worse and so on brand for Insecure to just be regular. It’s like watching your friend’s life play out instead of her telling you what happened. 

Does the relationship with her still serve you? Do you want to do the work of repairing the relationship?

Issa and Molly communicate with their respective partners and do the work of maintaining those relationships more than they do with each other. At brunch, both held back and waited for the other to bring up the issues. A pointless meeting. Imagine going to brunch with your best friend and being weird and awkward and exchanging pleasantries. At that point, I gave up on their friendship. Afterward, they were both on different pages as to how the brunch went. But at the end of the episode, Molly took the cake, as usual. Issa said “I can’t be the only one who wants to make this work” and Molly responds by saying “Maybe who you are now and who I am now doesn’t fit anymore.” Molly.

Nothing’s wrong with the statement. It’s a valid feeling especially being that her therapist asked her that valid question. Clearly, she only applied some of what she said but anyway, walk away if that’s what you feel is best. I, too, have had to reckon with this question. Doing the work of repairing any relationship is hard work. What got me with Molly though was how she seemed agitated when Issa said okay. Girl, did you expect her to fight for you? Molly pushed her away. She ended the relationship with those words. What did she expect Issa to do?

Molly needs to stay in therapy. That’s it.

Okay, what did you guys think? What did I miss?

I can’t believe it’s almost the season finale and I actually stuck with writing these reviews every week. Hahahaha!


  1. Chelsi Stokes
    June 8, 2020 / 7:50 am

    I have to disagree with you. That oversized green suit with the turtle neck was hideous lol! But yes Molly’s hair was banging!

    I did want more back story on Condola and Lawrence breakup. Lawrence interview might cause an issue. If he gets the job he’s leaving. So the question is, will he ask Issa to come with him? Ok, that is a bit telenovela-ish lol. Awesome post!

    • Kay
      June 8, 2020 / 9:25 am

      Lol I liked the green suit!! It gave me 80s vibes!

  2. Lauren B
    June 8, 2020 / 11:16 am

    I love that you said the show is regular and like watching your friend’s life happening as opposed to a telenovela. Because I definitely end up projecting my worse case scenarios and they all end up being far-fetched because… life is not as dramatic as my imagination!

    Also, Molly’s outfits were bold this episode but I loved the one she wore to therapy. And was I the only one that was like ‘girl what’ when Issa showed up to help move in a velvet one-piece? LOL

    • Kay
      June 8, 2020 / 12:34 pm

      Lol she had no intentions on doing anything!

  3. Cassandra N
    June 8, 2020 / 4:37 pm

    I was not feeling the green suit. Honestly, Molly’s hair was the only thing I liked about Molly this entire episode. Molly’s ‘holier than thou’ mentality is annoying and unrealistic. I feel like she made the comment to Issa at end because she thought it would break Issa and give herself the upper hand in the situation. Her feelings were hella hurt because she expected Issa to beg or keep making the effort to make the relationship work. When that did not happen, that was the moment that Molly realized that she f’ed up. Molly is about to alone at the end of the season and next season will be all about her trying to make amends.

    I am so excited about the love triangle. I am rooting for Issa. This season is all about her growth and I love seeing black women grow.

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