I have often stayed in places, jobs and relationships longer than I should out of fear.
Jobs: What if my savings runs out before I find something else?
Relationships: What if I don’t meet someone in time for the next wedding I attend? What if he changes? The most famous one: We’ve been friends for so long.
Don’t Be Afraid to Move On
God gave me all of those things to begin with. It was silly of me to think that was it and that He would do no more. By holding on tightly to those things, I limited what God wanted to do in my life. Eventually, He made me separate, like when I got laid off. God had BEEN told me to leave but I didn’t out of fear. Also that was the second time God had told me to quit a job. The first time I could explain to my parents but this time around I had rent and bills they would have to help me out with. I quickly learned obedience is greater than sacrifice. I got laid off.
I’m shifting my mind away from thinking God wants to do more in my life. Of course. That’s very true. However, I’m choosing to focus on the fact that God can and will do more in my life and removing the limits I’ve placed on Him. By wanting to stay in these roles and relationships, I operate from a place of lack. I had the mindset of “look at this wonderful thing God has blessed me with. It’s so great. I need to keep it and it’s going to last forever.” I assume that I’m at the pinnacle and God’s all done blessing me and that there won’t be more. I had this vision of how I wanted my life to go so that’s all I focused on. But I was really just putting on appearances. I hated that job. But I didn’t want to be unemployed and settled for being underemployed. I didn’t want to be alone so I settled for the man of the month. And held on. Until God took it away.
Hindsight is 20/20
I wish I would’ve trusted God more during that time and focused more on pursuing passion projects versus stressing over find a job. I wrote down what type of job I wanted and got it two months later. God takes us to certain places and relationships for various reasons we usually don’t discover until later. We get so caught up in the person or the job that when God tells us it’s over that we ignore it or doubt His voice because things are going well or we see the potential. While the potential may be there and you are on your way to a promotion, God’s next level is so much better than what we have in mind. We have to stop holding on so tightly and trust God.
Here’s my point: God got you and He got me. His grace never runs out. It’s not about Him making a way but about God already having your life planned out. All we gotta do is surrender to His will and stop holding onto things that no longer serve us or holding onto things like they can’t be replaced pressed down, shaken together and running over. He’s going to replace everything tenfold. And even if it’s not tenfold, He’s going to replace it. Don’t be afraid to walk away from that job, that relationship, anything. God will come through. He always has and always will.
In my mind, I think “How can things get better than this?” God’s like “Hold my bag.” The He shows up and shows out. The more I take steps of faith, the more God can do what He does best. I can no longer operate from a place of lack or worry about what others think. If God said do it, then I must be obedient. He’s calling us out of places that no longer serve us. He’s trying to take us higher and into new territory. Thought it may seem scary, we must remember His promises to never leave or forsake us. And if He brought you to it, He’ll bring you through it. Just let go and let God do a new work in you.
I’m talking to myself.
Take what you need and leave the rest, my friends.