Be Intentional About Your Life

Be Intentional About Your Life

Have you ever found yourself in a rut and couldn’t seem to get yourself motivated? Maybe it’s a Saturday morning and the end to a long week. You had a list of things to do but your body doesn’t want to move. You want to get out of bed and start your day but you just can’t find the energy to pull yourself together to even cook a decent breakfast. So it ends up being a Netflix and chill type of day, like the last couple of Saturdays have been.

For the longest, I would try to establish a routine to keep myself motivated but that wasn’t realistic for me. Things came up often and in order for my sanity to remain intact and for me to learn to adjust to my constantly changing world, I started making lists. Lists of things that needed to be done. By making the list at the beginning of the week, I knew what I had time for and where I could slack off a bit.

Now, I’m not one of those women who has so many things to do that her head is spinning but I always have something to do. My lil social calendar be popping. However, I believe in taking my time as I don’t like to rush and I don’t like pressure so in an effort to keep myself stress free and focused, I came up with a plan that worked for me. I started being intentional at the beginning of the week about what I wanted to get done and I got it done. There were no excuses and distractions weren’t a big deal because I knew I had things to do. And the more work I got done, the less likely I was to flake.

I was intentional about completing my tasks. I carved out time to do things that were important and would translate into something useful. Sometimes, we say we are going to do something only to allow everything else to get in the way and make us lose focus. You aren’t really intentional about completing those tasks. I think about those days when I was younger and I would wait in line to get the new Jordan’s. I was tired and didn’t make very much money but I saved and I sacrificed my sleep for those shoes. I wanted the Jordan’s and saved my coins to get them. This dedication can be translated over to my writing. I want to write a book so I need to put for the same time and effort. Invest, save and miss my 10pm bedtime every now and then.

There will be times where the television is on or I have a podcast playing but I hear nothing. I’m focused on completing my tasks for the day. You can’t wait for inspiration or motivation or for a cheerleader. Get the work done. Excuses only hold you back from the life God has intended for you to live. God intentionally gives us grace, favor and mercy to make it through our days. We need to do the same. Live intentionally. Work intentionally. Make a plan to be intentional about completing your lists. You will be happy that you did.

Every step you take, big or small, is a step in the right direction. Not doing anything is being stagnant. Keep moving forward and be intentional about your goals. It’ll translate into everything else you do. Remember: how you do anything, is how you do everything.

As always, take what you need and leave the rest.


  1. TamikaJ
    May 23, 2018 / 8:24 am

    I love this, it’s the simple truths that sticks with you more. I set a goal for my entire 2018 to be intentional about everything I do, and for the past few weeks I’ve been in a rut, my feelings of happiness and joy are still there, but I’m feeling distracted on a constant basis. The interesting thing is I’ll stop for a second scrolling on social and ask God why am I not focused what am I lacking today?! and somehow when I don’t get the answe quick enough, I go back to scrolling. I say that to say. That’s how intentional I’ve learned to be, to even pin point and stop myself when the intent in the moment is a clear distraction. Thanks for sharing this piece ❤️

    • Kay
      May 23, 2018 / 3:00 pm

      Well said!! I have a post coming soon about social media ?thanks for reading!

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