Kay’s Korner: 31 Things I’ve Learned

God always comes through. Always.

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Use Me, God?

I often ask God to use me but of course, according to my comfort level. I don’t want to be in the middle of the ocean with a life jacket and no rescue boat in sight especially since I don’t know how to swim. What happens when the currents get strong and the waves keep crashing and all I can do is float and trust God?

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Not Worth It

Girl. People get on my nerves. Though I don’t fight or argue, I definitely roll my eyes and give death…

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2019 Check In

Here I was focusing on the natural and not considering what God could’ve been doing in the supernatural. I operated in fear and doubt and didn’t allow my faith to carry me.

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The Home Stretch

Every single moment is a new chance to be who God has called you to be. Don’t miss opportunities waiting for a fresh start or looking at the calendar and don’t allow the concept of time to distract you.

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