Friendship Breakups

Friendships are complex because people are complex. Constantly evolving and changing, we leave people behind. We move to different parts…

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Insecure Season 4, Episode 6 Recap: Lowkey Done

We get to see what is up with Issa after the big blowout and to see wher her head is.…

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Insecure Recap, Season 4, Episode 5, Lowkey Movin’ On

Ahh, we finally see the infamous line from the season opener which now that I see the context, the comment…

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Insecure Recap: Season 4, Episode 3, Lowkey Thankful

Where is Nathan?!

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Insecure Recap: Season 4, Episode 2: Lowkey Distant

An important part of being an emotionally intelligent friend is knowing when to mix friends and when to keep them apart.

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